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Balance Of Payments (Net), (Annually)

This data set shows the Balance Of Payments (Net), 1947 - 2023 (Annually)

Footnote: Value Errors and Omissions (Net) for year 1949 - 1953 includes private capital inflow Value Net Change in Bank Negara Malaysia's External Reserves for year 1949 - 1953 includes Inflow of Sterling balances Balance on Current Account 1947-1998 = Goods f.o.b. (Net) + Services (Net) + Unrequited Transfers (Net) Balance on Current Account 1999-2004 = Goods f.o.b. (Net) + Services (Net) + Income (Net) + Current Transfers (Net) Basic Balance = Balance on Current Account + Capital (Net) Balance on Capital and Financial Account = Capital Account (Net) + Financial Account Value for year 2021 are Final
Value for year 2022 are Revised Value for year 2023 are Preliminary for period of January - June 2023

Source: Department of Statistics, Malaysia

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Maintainer DATA@DOSM
Last Updated September 11, 2023, 01:40 (UTC)
Created March 15, 2021, 03:59 (UTC)