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Producer Price Index for local production by stage of processing, Malaysia (Monthly)

This dataset shows the Producer Price Index (2010=100) for local production by stage of processing, 2010 - 2023 (Jan-Jul), Malaysia (Monthly)


Divisions Weight Total 100.000 Crude materials for further processing 16.410 Foodstuffs and feedstuffs 3.243 Non-food materials 13.167 Non-food materials except fuel 3.972 Crude fuel 9.195 Intermediate materials supplies and components 56.119 Materials and components for manufacturing 29.589 Materials for food manufacturing 4.468 Materials for others manufacturing 25.121 Materials and components for construction 2.896 Processed fuels and lubricants 11.880 Containers 0.579 Supplies 11.175 Manufacturing industries 6.793 Non-manufacturing industries 4.382 Feeds 0.564 Other supplies 3.818 Finished goods 27.471 Finished consumer goods 11.511 Finished consumer foods 3.508 Crude 0.265 Processed 3.243 Finished consumer goods excluding foods 8.003 Durable 1.887 Semi-durable 1.560 Non-durable 4.556 Capital equipment 15.960 Manufacturing industries 6.037 Non-manufacturing industries 9.923

Source: Department of Statistics Malaysia

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Last Updated September 11, 2023, 07:16 (UTC)
Created March 15, 2021, 03:17 (UTC)