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Bank Negara Malaysia: Statement of Capital and Liabilities

Paid-up Capital . The entire issued and paid-up capital of RM100 million is owned by the Government of Malaysia.

General Reserve Fund. Section 7(3)(a) of the Central Bank of Malaysia Act 1958 (Revised-1994), stipulates that the Minister of Finance, after consultation with the Board of Directors of the Bank, determines the proportion of the net profit to be credited to the general reserve fund.

Other Reserves comprise the Exchange Rate Fluctuation Reserve, the Investment Fluctuation Reserve, the Insurance Reserve and the Contingency Reserve.

Currency in Circulation. BNM started issuing the Malaysian currency (the Ringgit) on 12 June 1967. The statistics reported refer to the total notes and coins issued by BNM including the amount held by banking institutions.

Deposits Placed by Financial Institutions refer to statutory reserve deposits, clearing balances, money market deposits and vostro balances of banking institutions placed with BNM.

Deposits Placed by the Federal Government. The bulk of the liquid funds of the Federal Government are held with BNM, which act as its banker. The main account of the Government is the general deposit account, in which the operations of the Government are reflected.

Other Deposits include deposits placed by the Employees Provident Fund. Bank Negara Bills and Bonds refer to the issuance of Bank Negara Bills and Malaysia Savings Bonds by BNM.

Allocation of Special Drawing Rights. IMF member countries are allocated Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) in proportion to their subscriptions to the IMF. The allocation represents a dormant liability of BNM to the IMF, against which assets are received in SDR from the IMF.

Other Liabilities include deposits of non-residents and other miscellaneous liabilities.

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Author Nurul'Ain Mohd Som
Maintainer Siti Salbiah Dasiyo
Last Updated February 28, 2019, 10:37 (UTC)
Created October 11, 2018, 10:28 (UTC)