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Principal Statistics of Mining Industries, Malaysia

This dataset shows the Principal Statistics of Mining Industries for the years 1963 – 2019 in Malaysia.


-Data for year 2005, 2010, 2015 refers to Census year and data includes Economic Census of Mining (other minerals mining exclude crude oil and natural gas) and Annual Census of Crude Oil and Natural Gas -Data bagi tahun 2010 adalah data yang disemak semula ( Termasuk data anggaran bagi Aktiviti sokongan petroleum dan gas Asli) -Data bagi tahun 2017 meliputi data anggaran bagi subsektor Perlombongan mineral dan Pengkuarian -Data for year 1980, 1982, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2016, 2018 and 2019 not available -Data for Value of fixed assets owned as at the end of the year only available 1970 onwards

Source: Department of Statistics, Malaysia

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Maintainer DATA@DOSM
Last Updated May 22, 2023, 03:35 (UTC)
Created May 22, 2023, 03:35 (UTC)