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Producer Price Index for local production by stage of processing, Malaysia (Annual)

Producer Price Index (2010=100) for local production by stage of processing, 2010 - 2022 Malaysia (Annual)

Footnote Weight: Stage of Processing Weight Total 100.00 Crude materials for further processing 16.41 Foodstuffs and feedstuffs 3.24 Non-food materials 13.17 Non-food materials except fuel 3.97 Crude fuel 9.20 Intermediate materials supplies and components 56.12 Materials and components for manufacturing 29.59 Materials for food manufacturing 4.47 Materials for others manufacturing 25.12 Materials and components for construction 2.90 Processed fuels and lubricants 11.88 Containers 0.58 Supplies 11.18 Manufacturing industries 6.79 Non-manufacturing industries 4.38 Feeds 0.56 Other supplies 3.82 Finished goods 27.47 Finished consumer goods 11.51 Finished consumer foods 3.51 Crude 0.27 Processed 3.24 Finished consumer goods excluding foods 8.00 Durable 1.89 Semi-durable 1.56 Non-durable 4.56 Capital equipment 15.96 Manufacturing industries 6.04 Non-manufacturing industries 9.923

Source: Department of Statistics Malaysia

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Last Updated April 28, 2023, 03:18 (UTC)
Created April 29, 2016, 13:23 (UTC)