Automotive Industry Certification Engineering (AICE) Programme by State
Data dan Sumber Set Data
Automotive Industry Certification Engineering...XLSX
AICE number of participant by State 2012 to 2018
Downloads : 8
AICE Participants by state (2012-2018)XLSX
AICE participants by state (2012-2018)
Downloads : 6
Maklumat Tambahan
Ruangan | Nilai |
Sumber | - |
Disediakan Oleh | MAMPU |
Penyelenggara | MAMPU |
Tarikh Data Dikemaskini | 17 Januari 2022, 04.19 (UTC+00:00) |
Tarikh Dicipta | 4 Disember 2018, 02.43 (UTC+00:00) |