Langkah ke kandungan

Hackathons in Malaysia

This dataset consists of hackathon events details held between March 2018 to July 2019. The data is obtained from multiple community contributed data sources such as Hackathon Kaki, Startup Mamak, FB Events and other FB Communities which MaGIC helped to compile.

Majority of the hackathons are recorded but some of it could have been missed. Feel free to submit corrections or missing hackathon data to us by emailing to

Jumlah Dilihat : 84

Data dan Sumber Set Data

Maklumat Tambahan

Ruangan Nilai
Disediakan Oleh Daren Tan
Penyelenggara Daren Tan
Tarikh Data Dikemaskini 22 Julai 2021, 10.36 (UTC+00:00)
Tarikh Dicipta 22 Ogos 2019, 06.10 (UTC+00:00)