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Industry Profesional Certificate - SKIM LATIHAN DUAL NASIONAL (IPC-SLDN) - by level of qualification

This data set shows the Industry Profesional Certificate - Skim Latihan Dual Nasional (IPC-SLDN) number of participants by level of qualification. The Malaysia Automotive Institute (MAI) IPC-SLDN is a training option for those who prefer a dual-learning mode, i.e. on-the-job experience in the workplace while undergoing and practical training in training institutions.

Jumlah Dilihat : 39

Data dan Sumber Set Data

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Ruangan Nilai
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Disediakan Oleh MAMPU
Penyelenggara MAMPU
Tarikh Data Dikemaskini Januari 17, 2022, 04:29 (UTC)
Tarikh Dicipta Oktober 23, 2018, 02:46 (UTC)