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Key Information On Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) Performance

The data shows the key information on Tenaga Nasional Berhad's (TNB) performance. The parameters displayed in this table are maximum demand, total unit of electricity generated, total units sold, sales revenue, installed capacity, sales revenue of electricity per employee, units sold per employee, installed capacity per employee, total purchased unit, total exported unit, and total imported unit.

Jumlah Dilihat : 106

Data dan Sumber Set Data

Maklumat Tambahan

Ruangan Nilai
Sumber -
Disediakan Oleh MAMPU
Penyelenggara MAMPU
Tarikh Data Dikemaskini Mei 7, 2021, 02:51 (UTC)
Tarikh Dicipta Oktober 19, 2018, 04:09 (UTC)