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List of Certified Reference Materials from National Metrology Institute of Malaysia

The National Metrology Institute of Malaysia is the National Measurement Standard Laboratory (NMSL) as governed by National Measurements Systems Act 2007 and the Weights and Measures Act 1972. The Weights And Measures Act 1972 provides the legal basis for examining and approving patterns (designs) of measuring instruments suitable for use for trade and other legal purposes. In the National Measurement Standard Laboratory (NMSL), Pattern Approval Committee is the committee that examines the pattern (design) of an instrument to ensure that it is fit for use for trade or other legal purposes. The committee is also responsible for evaluating and approving the Independent Surveyors activities especially for oil and gas industry. The National Measurement Standard Laboratory (NMSL) is able to test and approve a comprehensive range of measuring instruments. This document provides the list of companies whose application on pattern approval of such instruments have been approved. The majority of patterns the NMSL approves are instruments for use for trade.

Jumlah Dilihat : 57

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Tarikh Data Dikemaskini Jun 7, 2021, 18:17 (UTC)
Tarikh Dicipta Julai 26, 2018, 07:56 (UTC)