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Malaysia Investment Guarantee Agreements (IGAs)

Investment Guarantee Agreements (IGAs), also known as Promotion and Protection of Investment Agreement. The objectives of IGA are to: i. promote, facilitate and protect investments; ii. provide assurance to investors and their investments that in the event of expropriation or nationalisation as well as in circumstances involving losses owing to war, armed conflict, revolution, a state of emergency, revolt, insurrection, or riot, investors will receive prompt and adequate compensation; iii. provide investor the right to transfer profits, capital and other fees related to investments; and iv. provide for a dispute mechanism that allows investor recourse to international arbitration, in addition to domestic courts.

Jumlah Dilihat : 145

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Tarikh Data Dikemaskini Mac 15, 2021, 12:17 (UTC)
Tarikh Dicipta Oktober 8, 2018, 09:54 (UTC)