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Producer Price Index for domestic economy by commodity sections (SITC 4), Malaysia (Annual)

Producer price index (2010=100) for domestic economy by commodity sections (SITC 4), 1978-2015 (Jan-Dec), Malaysia (Annual)

Footnote Starting 2016, the Producer Price Index (2010=100) for domestic economy by section of goods (SITC 4) is no longer published.

Weight: Sections Weight Total 100.00 Food 5.65 Beverages & Tobacco 1.04 Crude, Materials, Inedible 6.72 Mineral Fuels, Lubricants,etc. 19.90 Animal & Vegetables Oils & Fats 7.34 Chemicals 8.18 Manufactured Goods 11.30 Machinery & Transport Equipment 33.85 Miscellaneous Manufactured 5.38 Miscellaneous Transactions & Commodities 0.64

Jumlah Dilihat : 34

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Tarikh Dicipta Februari 26, 2021, 04:47 (UTC)