This dataset shows engagement programmes undertaken by MIDA state offices in assisting SMEs and advise on the Government’s initiatives and facilitation in transforming SMEs capability and productivity
Data Dictionary
Column | Jenis | Label | Keterangan |
Maklumat Tambahan
Ruangan | Nilai |
Tarikh Data Dikemaskini | 6 September 2018 |
Tarikh Metadata Dikemaskini | 30 Mei 2021 |
Tarikh Dicipta | 6 September 2018 |
Format Fail | CSV |
Lesen | Creative Commons Attribution |
Reason: Content of file appeared to be format "CSV" which receives openness score: 3.
Checked: 22 Ogos 2020
Reason: Content of file appeared to be format "CSV" which receives openness score: 3.
Checked: 22 Ogos 2020